Absolutely John

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The Collective welcomes our new member, HTC

Can I start out by giving ‘BIG-UPs’ to Brad Smith and the entire crew at Microsoft Legal?

Whoo Haaa!

When Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer talked about Linux violating 235 patents a while ago, the Intertubes went nutso over the belief that Microsoft’s assertions were the wistful dreams of Stevie B.

Well, who’s laughing now?

Almost every day, we hear of some other company going to Olympus Redmond and kissing Zeus’ ring coming to an agreement with Microsoft.

Now tell me, do you think all these companies would sign on the dotted line if it was just a flight of fancy in Ballmer’s noggin?

I didn’t think so either.

Anyways, let us give a hearty welcome to High Tech Computer, aka, HTC, as they become the latest inhabitants of The Collective.


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