Recommended for 2010: HP TouchSmart 9100 Business PC
Recommended: HP TouchSmart 9100 Business PC
We have found this system, the evolution of the dx9000 TouchSmart Business PC, to be the best solution for the business desktop.
It comes with Microsoft Windows 7, has multi-touch functionality out of the box, is priced right, and is ready to perform all of the tasks required in the average business office.
We like it, and find ourselves not able to do without the added oomph touch gives to us, especially in Windows 7.
We will be sorry to see it go home.
Definitely recommended.
Honorable Mention: The HP MS218 All-in-one PC.
Our review of this device has just started. However, we feel strongly enough about the product that we have no qualms placing it 2nd in our List for Desktops. More on this device when our review is posted
Category: Business Desktop PC
Recommended: The HP TouchSmart 9100 Business PC
Honorable Mention: HP MS218 Business PC
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